Art Gallery Handbook Series: Volume 3
Volume 3 of the Art Gallery Handbook provides guidance and key information for curators, managers, artists, volunteers, and others dealing with programming, management, and administrative challenges related to working in public art galleries, artist-run centres, and museums. It is also a useful course textbook, and presents an excellent base of information for post-secondary students of all levels to comprehensively learn about the successful management of art and heritage institutions.
The essays contained in this handbook are:
Art Collections in Transition by Richard Gerrard
The Art Gallery and the Public Trust by David Aurandt
The Artist/Gallery Relationship by Carol Podedworny
Museum Education: Looking Back to the Future by Colin Wiginton
Courtship, Engagement and Life-long Commitment: Volunteer Management in Ontario's Galleries by Georgiana Uhlyarik
The Gallery and the Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction by Tamara Rebanks
Reference Section by Mary Reid
Edited by Joyce Zemans
Ontario Association of Art Galleries (2001)
140 pp. 9 x 8 in.
ISBN 0-9681239-1-3 (softcover)